Inspired by design,
driven by data.

About me.

Growth is the underlying passion that drives my ambitious and entrepreneurial personality. I am always striving to develop myself and improve my knowledge in the broadest manner. Technology, innovation and design are my main interests and I continually try to keep up with the latest developments in those sectors.


Hoome Domotica
market research

At Hoome we are designing and developing a smart home app with predictive capabilities. Our goal is to change the way people interact with their smart home. The development is done with Swift, SwiftUI and UIkit. From research we concluded that their is a gap in what customers want and what they actually buy. We try to bridge this gap by providing advise and installation. The current website is designed with HTML, CSS and Javascript . When the final product launches we unveil the full website which uses NetlifyCMS to manage the content.

Visit the site!

Discord Chatbot

Discord is a chat app mainly used by gamers to communicate. Discord also allows bots to manage those chats. This creates endless opportunities regarding the functions of such a bot. I decided to develop a chat bot that helps my friends and I to quickly acquire information from wikipedia and car sites. By scraping the web, the chatbot is able to answer commands such as 'search car' or just 'search'. I created the bot using Python and different modules and it is hosted using Netlify.

Bachelor Thesis
academic research
data analysis

The subject of my Bachelor thesis is 'Investor Reaction to Female Executive Appointment' with a destinction between high and low growth firms. The methodology used is similar to an event study. Event studies assume that financial markets are efficient and that investors properly assess the value of certain events. In this case, investor reaction to the appointment of a female executive is researched. As it turns out, investors consider a female executive more valuable to low growth firms than to high growth firms. Different sources were used for data collection and the data analysis was done using Excel and Stata. If you want to read the full thesis, click on the button below.

Read my thesis!

Experience .

Medior Sales Adviser and Apple Expert
2016 - 2020

At Amac I had the oppertunity to develop my sales skills. Due to my enthousiasm I was invited by Apple to develop myself into an Apple Expert. I learned how to connect the needs and wants of customers to the products we sold and how to create a solution that would benefit the customers’ lives. In addition, I also looked at how things could be more efficient within Amac and used data to get better insights in the progress of the store.

2019 - Current

At Hoome we are developing an all in one solution for smart homes. We saw that there is a shortage of companies that help the customer to get the most out of their smart home. Currently, the app that will run on the “connected home over ip” platform is under construction. With data from the app and machine learning, we try to develop models that predict user behaviour. I am developing the app myself with swift and swiftUI. Prototyping was done using a lightweight protocol called MQTT.

Education .

Economics and Business Economics
2016 - 2021

This study allowed me to learn about many topics in the field of economics and business. I developed research skills in econometrics, but also more theoretical skills in marketing courses. Statistics and matrix optimization were insightful courses and helped me in my research driven thinking. In addition, I also followed courses about asset management and accounting.

Minor Philosophy

The minor philosophy challenged me into thinking more fundamentally about problems. It enabled me to see the core of a problem and not just the symptoms. Philosophical reasoning helped me to sort the reasoning that I have in my head and see what good reasoning is in the first place.

Industrial Design

At this study I learned how to develop an idea into an actual product. From idea sketching to digital prototyping. Solidworks, a CAD software program, was one of my strong points. For the course 'Discovery' I received an award for best video admission.

Skills .

Quick Learner

Analytical Thinking

Conflict resolution


Sales and consulting




Quick Learner

Analytical Thinking

Conflict resolution


Sales and consulting





Stata & SPSS



Web Development


Contact me.
I'm open to work!